Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hummingbirds and Powerpuff trees are a great combination.

This time of the year my powerpuff tree is in full bloom, and the hummingbirds wintering in South Florida love the flowers.  I been stalking this little guy for days, every morning I come out to get the newspaper with camera in hand and wait.  They move too fast and every day I end up with many blurry pictures.  This morning I was rewarded, one posed for the camera and the lighting was perfect. (My wife tells me that this hummingbird is my snow leopard)   

This weekend around the DragonFly Garden.
The starburst tree is in full bloom.  This is the last year for this tree in my garden; I am planning on cutting it down after the blooms are done.  The flowers are spectacular, but this tree is too aggressive and I am tired of pulling suckers all over the garden.

 In this corner of the front garden, I planted some succulents and bromeliads.  There used to be a large palm tree in this area and now is hard to grow anything here because of the roots.

 Now that the days are getting longer, the vegetable garden is getting more sun light and is doing better.  The broccoli, the yellow cherry tomatoes and the mix greens are producing.  This weekend I planted onions, squash and spinach.


Anonymous said...

I recently planted a powderpuff tree just to attract more hummers, but I have to wait until they come back as they left town this past November (must have been headed your way).

Beautiful photos!

sharon said...

i useed to love the podwer puffs a kid in st pete...where did they go did they freeze up here?