Sunday, May 04, 2014

The end of the growing season

The vegetable growing season that is, the hot May sun is putting an end to what is left of my vegetable garden, the hot afternoon sun is frying the plants.  I had another year of mix results; the salads greens were plentiful this year, while the tomatoes and pepper were disappointing.   The arugula and broccoli did well, but the eggplant was a bust.  Win some, loose some, I am not sure if I’m doing it again next year.

Around the garden this week:
The Zebra butterflies are back for the summer.

The Rangoon Creeper is blooming again.

These mangos are from my neighbor’s tree, on my side of the fence. 


Anonymous said...

Every season I tell myself no more tomatoes . . . and every season I'm planting tomato seeds. :-)

I wish I had a neighbor like yours - what I wouldn't give to have those beautiful mangoes hanging on my side of the fence.

That Rangoon Creeper is gorgeous. I wish it grew in my zone.

Have a great week.


LostRoses said...

Hi Rusty, I've read that veggies like tomatoes and eggplant need at least a 5-gallon pot to give the roots room to grow. Can't really tell by the photos but could that be the problem? Your garden always looks so lush!

sharon said...

Its in your space they are yourS!!

Anu Yalo said...


Gina said...

The first year I planted a garden here it was very successful but the following year many plants didn't thrive. We learned that it may be nematodes that destroy the roots when certain plants are planted in the same location. So we've moved our veggie garden around with some success but this season was not great. Enjoying your blog!