Sunday, January 11, 2015

Time for the Brunfelsia grandiflora

The Brunfelsia, also known as the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow tree, is my favorite winter flowering shrub.  This time of year, these plants are full with three colors of flowers, they are not native of South Florida, but they do well in our climate.  A few years ago these plants were rare in local gardens, but now they are everywhere.  They look like lighted Christmas trees, this year my tree is full of flowers once again and I have a great view from my patio.   The flowers have three different shades of purple; they bloom with a deep purple color and three days later drop from the tree almost white.

It looks like we are going to have a great mango season this year.  One of my mango trees already has fruits and this week it bloomed for a second time this season.

Pictures from the garden this morning

I rescued this bromeliad from a garbage dumpster last year, and look at her now. 


Susan said...

Your garden is always a pleasure to visit. I can't believe how big your YTT plant is. They don't get that big up my way. It's a beauty! That bromeliad you rescued is a real keeper.

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