New Year’s has never been my favorite holiday, I don’t know why; I just don’t see the point or why the fuss and coming right after Christmas, almost an afterthought, as if we’re trying to artificially extend Christmas. This year, though, it feels different to me, somewhat more important. There is so much going on around us that it seems like 2009 is going to be a make-or-break year. All of us need to pay attention and put some effort into solving our problems so that this time next year, most of our troubles will be largely behind us and we’ll be on our way to a better future for all humanity and for our planet.
A friend of mine wrote in his blog this week that these uncertain economic times are the perfect moment for all of us to take a good, hard look at ourselves and commit to changing the way we live. He believes that we need to move from a consumer-obsessed society to a more spiritual one, that we all need to be more generous with our time and treasure, create more, (gardens are a good example) and learn to live with less. I believe he is absolutely right, so this year I am breaking with my tradition of not making New Year’s resolutions. Here is my 2009 list:
1 - I want to give more to my community maybe by volunteering some time to a worthwhile organization. I have been talking about doing this for years but always had an excuse that I don’t have the time.
2 – Give more time to friends and family; calling and visiting people close and important to me, being a part of their lives and having them in mine.
3 – Leave my job at the office. These days with Blackberry and access to our office computers from home we are working 24/7 and our employers expect us to be available all the time. No more! I’ll give to my work 110% during working hours but once I leave, the office can’t come home with me.
4 – Create, experiment, and expand my garden while continuing to share the process with you all on this blog.
5 – Take up a new hobby--photography. Now that I have a nifty camera, I want to be more serious about taking pictures, especially nature photography.
6 - Rekindle an old hobby--carpentry. In my younger years, I was a very good carpenter and enjoyed working with wood. For many years, my tools have been collecting dust and rust in the garage and its time to take them out again.
7 – Live with less. My wife and I are committed to cutting down on our spending while learning to live with less “stuff”. We’ve already decided that come March (when my car’s lease is up), we will live with one family car. My wife’s office is within walking- distance of our home and on days when she needs the car, I will take public transportation to my job. More healthy walking for her, less harmful pollution for the earth, and a leaner family budget for both of us!
I think these are good resolutions for 2009 and for me. It will be a busy year!
I wish all of you health, happiness, and success in the coming year and prayers for peace on earth for all humanity!
A message from my lovely wife Maritza:
To all Rusty’s friends in the blogosphere, my fervent wish that you and your families and friends enjoy a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year, and that your gardens bloom with beautiful flora! I just want to let you know that writing this blog and having all of you visiting and commenting on it has led to many hours of joy for my wonderful husband. Making things grow is an art and all of you are artists as talented as any that work with brush or plaster. When I visit my husband’s garden in the morning (for it is HIS garden, I’m just a visitor), I marvel at the majesty created by his efforts. I know that your gardens must be as wonderful. In conclusion, I’m hoping that 2009 will bloom flowers in all your lives and that God bless you always with health, joy, and especially, peace!
A friend of mine wrote in his blog this week that these uncertain economic times are the perfect moment for all of us to take a good, hard look at ourselves and commit to changing the way we live. He believes that we need to move from a consumer-obsessed society to a more spiritual one, that we all need to be more generous with our time and treasure, create more, (gardens are a good example) and learn to live with less. I believe he is absolutely right, so this year I am breaking with my tradition of not making New Year’s resolutions. Here is my 2009 list:
1 - I want to give more to my community maybe by volunteering some time to a worthwhile organization. I have been talking about doing this for years but always had an excuse that I don’t have the time.
2 – Give more time to friends and family; calling and visiting people close and important to me, being a part of their lives and having them in mine.
3 – Leave my job at the office. These days with Blackberry and access to our office computers from home we are working 24/7 and our employers expect us to be available all the time. No more! I’ll give to my work 110% during working hours but once I leave, the office can’t come home with me.
4 – Create, experiment, and expand my garden while continuing to share the process with you all on this blog.
5 – Take up a new hobby--photography. Now that I have a nifty camera, I want to be more serious about taking pictures, especially nature photography.
6 - Rekindle an old hobby--carpentry. In my younger years, I was a very good carpenter and enjoyed working with wood. For many years, my tools have been collecting dust and rust in the garage and its time to take them out again.
7 – Live with less. My wife and I are committed to cutting down on our spending while learning to live with less “stuff”. We’ve already decided that come March (when my car’s lease is up), we will live with one family car. My wife’s office is within walking- distance of our home and on days when she needs the car, I will take public transportation to my job. More healthy walking for her, less harmful pollution for the earth, and a leaner family budget for both of us!
I think these are good resolutions for 2009 and for me. It will be a busy year!
I wish all of you health, happiness, and success in the coming year and prayers for peace on earth for all humanity!
A message from my lovely wife Maritza:
To all Rusty’s friends in the blogosphere, my fervent wish that you and your families and friends enjoy a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year, and that your gardens bloom with beautiful flora! I just want to let you know that writing this blog and having all of you visiting and commenting on it has led to many hours of joy for my wonderful husband. Making things grow is an art and all of you are artists as talented as any that work with brush or plaster. When I visit my husband’s garden in the morning (for it is HIS garden, I’m just a visitor), I marvel at the majesty created by his efforts. I know that your gardens must be as wonderful. In conclusion, I’m hoping that 2009 will bloom flowers in all your lives and that God bless you always with health, joy, and especially, peace!