This morning I was out in the garden early with my camera to capture the blooms of the day, we are expecting a cold front later today that is bringing some needed rain and cooler temperatures (The forecast for tomorrow low sixties and high mid seventies, sorry northern bloogers but that is a cold front for us)
This is the beginning of my favorite time of the year in the garden. The plants and flowers are not stress as they usually are in the heat of summer. As long as we keep the water coming the garden looks great. This is going to be a problem this year with the severe drought we are experiencing.

My Aloe Vera plant flowered for the first time ever.

The Eggplant flower is beautiful but I had a hard time getting this pictures because the flower points down.

My Yesterday Today and Tomorrow (Brunfelsia) tree is beginning to bloom, should be at its peak by Christmas.

King Mantle, one of my favorites in the winter garden.

Pink Dragon Wind Begonia.

The White Plumeria last bloom of the year.

The giant White Bird of Paradise, is magnificent!!!!

This month my Canna Lily flower is different from the picture of my post last month. Is the same plant, but the flower has a touch of red.

This is the first flower from my Devil’s Trumpet plant I purchased last month at the Fairchild Gardens festival.

Impatiens, are always a sure thing for our winter garden

Senior moment??? I totally forgot the name of this flower

The Zinnias are doing well. The snails have not discovered them.
That is it for this month, now I am going to the garden to put in some time before the rain comes.