I know we are half way through the season already, but I finally
got the accordion shutters I wanted for the back porch. For a long time I been thinking about getting
shutters to enclose the back porch of the house. I have regular shutters for all my windows,
the benefits of accordion shutters for the porch are, one it gives me a place
to store loose garden items during a storm, and second it protects the roof
during a strong hurricane. It forces the
high winds to go around the house and not into the porch, during hurricane
Andrew, many houses in Miami loss their roofs because of unprotected porches.
I purchased a Glory Bush (Tibouchina lepidota) to replace the Areca palm. This is my second Glory bush, I had one in a pot and it died in our extreme summer heat. I hope this one does better in the ground.
I love the purple flowers, according to the description, the
small tree can grow up to 10 feet and in my zone 10 climate it can flower year-round. This plant is also butterfly friendly, a
major plus in my book.
One month to go in the peak of 2013 hurricane season, and
all is quiet. Let’s keep our fingers cross.