Saturday, April 19, 2014

A mix of bromeliads, succulents and annual plants

A mix of bromeliads, succulents and annual plants is what my street garden is made of.  Today I finished making some changes to the front and preparing the garden for our annual Easter bash.

A can of yellow pain will do for now, originally I wanted to replace the wood fence with a metal gate and fence but it’s not in the budget this year.  As you can see, I took out the big bougainvillea and planted two new bougainvilleas   in the containers by the gate.

The large bromeliad by the driveway is no more.  I replaced it with the old water fountain planted with succulents that was in another corner of the garden.  Originally I wanted to pull out most of the grass in this part of the garden and plant more succulents, but gardening time is limited for me at this time. (Retirement is around the corner, there will be plenty of time then)

I kept some of the pops from the bromeliad in the front and planted them in a container.  The areca palm that was here is now in my back garden.

Other changes, these bromeliads are going to grow nicely in the trunk of this date palm

This week in the garden, the fragrant lady of the night (Brunfelsia gigantean) is in bloom and the garden at night is a delight.

Look who was walking in my fence early this morning.  This opossum was carrying her baby to a new hiding place; I guess she forgot the time and was surprised by daylight


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Let the sunshine in

The last few weeks have been busy at the DragonFly garden.  I was trying to get all my spring pruning duties in, before the hot summer weather appears and gardening becomes a part time task only done in the early morning and at dusk. I think this year I went a little crazy with all the trimming, but some corners of the garden were looking a little wild. (I have a reputation for been a neat freak)
It all started with the Cassia tree that was knocked down by the wind a month ago.   I also pruned hard the Brunfelsia tree, the Starburst tree, the Fire Dragon bush, and for the first time the Mexican Flame vine.  The bougainvillea by the front gate is history, and so is the Aechmea Blanchetiana bromeliad in the front of the house. (More on some of the new changes in the front garden on my next posts)  The garden looks a little bare and the sunshine is coming through, but this is Florida and it will grow back in no time at all.

Fire Dragon bush before

Mexican Flame vine before

 After, I hope it grows back, fingers crossed

 There was a bougainvillea on top this gate (Gone)

This bromeliad in the front of the house, history, more on my next post.

The Brunfelsia tree is already coming back

Starburst tree
The Cassia tree one month later

Pictures from the garden this morning

Disclaimer:  No birds nest were harmed in the makeover of this garden