We had a cool sunny morning in South Florida today, a perfect day to putter around the garden with no particular task in mind. I have not been around the garden much lately, this is the first day in weeks that I am home for the day. Is fun to discover so many surprises, the brunfelsia tree is full of flowers ready for the Christmas season.
This is one of my favorite bougainvillea plants, the orange color is so bright.
Not many brumeliad flowers this late in the season, most of the brumeliads flower during the summer season.
I don't remember how this plant got to my garden, I believe it is a weed by the way it grows everywhere. The combination of the white flowers and the dark leaves are outstanding. (need help with the name)
I found these beauties in a tree in the backyard. I like to plant orchids in trees and sometimes I forget they are there.
The first and only star fruit from my tree, my wife is excited.
One of my mango trees is full of flowers. This tree always flowers early, but this year is very early. I hope we don't have a day with lower temperatures and frost.