Welcome to my blog--a journal about my urban garden and the critters that live and visit it.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Harvesting Bromeliads
Now that I don't have an umbrella, there is more sun in this corner of the back garden, perfect for my herb and vegetables garden.
The Brunfelsia tree should be full of flowers by now, but this year for some reason is not a good year.
My bottle tree was another casualty of the storm, I had to replace several broken bottles.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Chasing hummingbirds
No much sun in this corner of the garden, but everything is looking lush and green.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
That time of the year to plant a winter veggie and herb garden.
I decided to give winter veggie gardening another try. Last year I told myself that it would be my last year wasting my time on a vegetable garden that barely produced. This year with Covid 19 keeping us all close to home with not much to do, I decided to give it another try.
This is the only corner of the back garden that gets from 4 to 5 hours of morning sun everyday. As you can see everything is in containers, I am hedging my bets using soil sold for this type of gardening. The year of 2020 has not been a great year for nurseries in my home town, and it has affected the availability of vegetable seedling. I am mostly planting seeds this year, like arugula, spinach, chives and lettuces. The hot and wet weather in my zone 10B are not ideal conditions for sowing seeds, but I’ll give it a try.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
A new look for the back garden
This week I pressure cleaned all the pavers and stone in the front and back garden. I used to do this job in a day, this time it took me three days (this is what happens when you are retired and can do the job at any time)
The fall migration is beginning , this week a Black-and-wihte Warbler and a Black-throated Blue Warbler visited my garden.
There has been a large number of dragonflies in the garden lately, good news for us and bad news for mosquitoes.
Not many flowers in the garden this time of the year, except for the wild petunias (Ruellias) they flower all year-around.
Friday, October 02, 2020
Squirrels 10 Gardener 0
I have lived in my home for over 30 years, the first 29 years were squirrel free. The location of my neighborhood had something to do with it, to the east there is a big Interstate highway that keeps wildlife from crossing over and the Florida Everglades to the west. Last year we got our first squirrel visitor, he liked our neighborhood so much that he brought all his friends, now we are overrun with the little critters and they are not cute anymore. They have taken over the bird feeders and they love to feast on our fruit trees. I bet you didn’t know that squirrels love avocados, this year the avocado harvest was plentiful and I did’t mind sharing my fruits, but the mango season was not that good and and a third of all my mangos were damage by our four legged friends.
My father in his old age, spent most of his time outside in his garden keeping squirrels away from his fruit trees, I used to think that was funny. Now I am becoming my father.
This corner of my garden is looking nice after all the rain we been getting. This garden bed has croton, blue porter weed, coleus, ferns and elephant ear plant (Colocasia)
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Let the sunshine in
I am considering removing my Plumeria tree, but that will require a tree cutting service, for now I cut some of the lower branches. This tree blocks must of the sun during our winter months when the sun is high in the souther hemisphere.