This is ritual that we Floridians do twice every year, bring out the shutters in June and put them back in storage at the end of November. I know is mid October but this year is looking like we escaped without a hit and I can stand looking at them in my garden.
I keep the shutters next to each window and door for the season and as soon as we get a hurricane warnings they go up, it takes a couple of hours but after having all my windows and doors blow in during hurricane Andrew 10 years ago I don’t take any chances.
Last year Wilma did a number on my garden I lost two palms a coconut and papaya tree and it left a mess that took months to clean up (as you can see in the picture) but thank god the house was OK. Hurricanes are an inconvenience gardeners in the tropics have to live with, if they are category one or tree trimming hurricanes like the all timers like to call them they are not to bad and could be benefial when we are having a dry season, any thing over Cat 1 can be trouble and we should take them very serious.
Hi Rusty, Very nice start to your blogging adventure! Welcome to the world of gardening blogs, it's very addictive.
Gosh, we complain about snow and hailstorms but they pale in comparison to hurricanes. I lived in Florida for awhile and remember Hurricane Donna in the early '60s, so I sympathize. It looks like you are well prepared for any future suprises like Andrew.
Rusty, I haven't had any hurricane experience yet (knock on wood!) but I'm sure I will be scared to death. We don't prepare for hurricanes here. It's just the "si Dios quiere..." attitude.
We have had 6 or 7 very tall trees just fall down though, and that is really something to hear that "cra-ack" and then the whooosh as it falls and takes everything in it's path. Thankfully none were near the house.
Oh I see a little pond in your garden.
I needed to have my home secured for hurricane season and a friend suggested I visit www.allamericanshutters.com. I was amazed that they manufacture and install storm panels so I gave them a try and I feel very secure now that I did.
Hurricanes are devastating and scary, but they rarely hit without warning. At the first warning of a hurricane, secure your house to protect yourself and your property. Thanks a lot.
Hurricane Impact Resistant Doors
These Hurricane shutters are very reliable and economical, and most suited for garages. If you are requiring Roller Shutter Repair in London, do visit ADV Contractors LTD
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