Sunday, March 25, 2007

Tomato growing season is over

As many of you gardeners in the northern hemisphere are getting ready to plant your tomatoes those of us from warmer climates are finish with our growing season.
This year was a very disappointed season most plants produce small fruits if at all and the leaves frizzle. I was not the only one, my neighbor and my dad’s plants were the same.
Last week in our local paper in the plant clinic section there was a question about this year poor tomatoes plants performance. The Plant Doctor answered, that this year the plants were infested with a virus and that there was no cure, they came infested from the nursery. Next year I am growing my own from seeds.

Pentas from around the garden


Gary said...

Pentas are one of my favorite summer flowers. As long as they get some water, they don't mind the heat a bit. I think 'Grafitti' is my favorite variety. It is very vigorous without being really tall.

Carol Michel said...

The pentas are beautiful, the tomatoes are sad. My tomatoes are mere seedlings right now, full of promise.