Sunday, January 09, 2011

Organized chaos

My “organized chaotic garden” has been a little disorganized since the last freeze three weeks ago. Today I spent the day cleaning up, moving potted plants and making some changes.

The beauty of potted plants and garden art is that when you moved them around you end up having a new look.

I have plans for this broken water fountain, but I will need to break one of my New Year’s resolutions (I shall spend less money on plants in the New Year)

I found this broken pot in my neighbor’s garbage can, and now is part of my garden. The bromeliads should do well in this type of container.


NanaK said...

Your rearranged garden looks great. It's nice just to be back outside thinking up changes isn't it? I have a similar goal in 2011 to use more of what I have in the way of plants, but that fountain really does REQUIRE you to buy new plants doesn't it?

I've enjoyed your blog and hope to visit here in your gardens more in 2011.

Unknown said...

I love that fountain!!! It deserves to have some new plants in it.
The rearranging looks great!

SiestaSister said...

Your rearranged garden looks great. One of these years we will all stop making that resolution to spend less on plants. When the threat of frost has past....we can't help wanting some new plants to fill in the wholes

Glad you recycled your neighbor's pot. Love dong that. We have a fountain and I have said that if it stops working I will change it into a succulent garden.

Dawn said...

Cacti and succulents would look good in the broken fountain, and since they are able to live without water for long periods of time, your savings on watering them should 'wash' their purchase over time of course. Hope that makes you feel better about buying one or two new plants.

Susan said...

CHAOS! That's not a word I would ever attribute to your garden. It always looks so nice and neat. Forget about resolutions...go ahead and buy some new is too short, not to!

antigonum cajan said...

Chaos is fine, gas/diesel/propane not.

Do you use a push mower?

Lawn Mower Battery said...

I love these photos! You're right about the "organized chaos", but I've always liked gardens that look rustic. :)

Anonymous said...

I recently saw strawberries grown in an old broken fountain in a beautiful old garden.......