Sunday, November 13, 2011

Using the telephoto lens

Today I tried my telephoto lens on my amazing Nikon D3100 camera. I need to take photography classes, this camera is not like my old point and shoot camera.


Rohrerbot said...

It takes some training but you're in for a lot of fun. I'm still learning how to use my new camera. I like the point and shoot camera but when it comes to those fine detailed shots....there
s nothing like a good camera. Have fun!!

Unknown said...

You are so much better than me at that.I'm still trying to catch on to the learning curve.

Darla said...

Looks like you are doing great!

Hanna at Orchid Care said...

Your photos are amazing as they show incredibly find details of texture, color and form. I can only imagine how much better you’ll get with a few classes. Enjoy the process and thanks for sharing the outcome right here on your blog so that the rest of us can enjoy it too.

By the way, the last photo of the lizard (?) on the tree trunk is my favorite.