Monday, January 27, 2014

Is time to bring back Zen to the garden

This corner of the garden is where I can usually be found most late afternoon, after a stressful day at work, usually with glass of wine or a stronger drink inhand.  I love to sit there and take in the whole garden as the sun goes down, it recharges my batteries.

Today I had the day off from my 9 to 5 job, and decided to take back my Zen corner.  The heliconias, banana trees and white bird of paradise needed some heavy trimming.



Some bromeliads do well in the shade, and this is a perfect spot for these Persimmons.

These bromeliads on the fence were cover by overgrown plants.

 The old white bird of paradise plants are not very attractive, but the flowers are so tropical. 

Garden Art.
This weekend, I attended a local art show and came home with these two pieces, an ibis bird made of plastic tubes and a beautiful birdhouse.  Some people might not consider these pieces art, but I do and so do the people that made them.    


Anonymous said...

I love everything about this post starting with the glass of wine all the way to your garden art. Oh - and the white birds of paradise. You have truly created a Zen corner ~ just beautiful.

africanaussie said...

that Ibis is awesome - I am in awe of people who can create things like that. I love your little corner and am amazed you can grow such a big plant as the bird of paradise there. Continual cutting back seems to be the answer.

Susan said...

Hey Rusty...Your Zen corner looks very inviting. I like the way it's kinda hidden away back there. Everything down your way definitely looks greener than here. We haven't had a freeze but we tend to take on that dull grayish-green winter look this time of year.