Saturday, February 20, 2016

Gardening mistakes are part of a gardener's DNA.

Today I rectified a mistake I made two years ago when I planted this mango tree in the wrong spot. I purchased this plant (my third mango tree) at the Fairchild garden mango festival, at the time my garden was at capacity and this was the only area I could plant it. The soil is poor there and the tree is surrounded by competition from outer plants, as you can see two years later the tree looks pathetic.  

The only solution was to switch location with the Kings Mantle bush.  The king mantle is kind of an invasive plant and it thrives anywhere. Now the mango tree is all by itself with no competition.

  This week at the DragonFly Garden

This Angel’s Trumpet bloomed for the first time this week; a tribute to my Dad who is turning 103 years young next week, this plant came from his garden in the form of a small branch, he cut the branch and told me to stick it in the ground (you will see it will grow) My dad is the reason I love gardening, he worked in his garden until last year, these days he has trouble with his vision and movement but he  loves to sit outside and take in the scenery.  I am planning to do a post soon and take pictures of his beloved garden.

Other flowers blooming this week.

This Grey Catbird is another winter resident, these birds are shy and spend most of their time hiding in trees.  Catbirds are hard to photograph, sometimes when other birds are not around; he comes out to eat and take a bath in the fountain.  Soon this little guy will be heading north with all the other snowbirds. 

Speaking of mangos, one of my trees is flowering.  These mangos should be ready in May. 

1 comment:

Susan said...

How awesome that your dad will be turning 103. Can't wait to see his garden featured. Hope your little mango is happier now. We have a catbird every winter, too. He's a real talker - I love watching him eat berries and splash around in the fountain.