Saturday, March 16, 2019

Bromeliads, the gift that keeps on giving

I have become some kind of a bromeliad whisper to my family, friends, and neighbors.  I am constantly getting requests for bromeliads from my garden.  I don’t mind, I have so many that it makes me happy to see them find new homes.  The word is out if you need a plant in your garden, I am the person to call.  Broms are the perfect plants for non-gardeners, they are low maintenance and can survive most extreme weather conditions.  It is very difficult to kill these plants, they thrive without any attention.  I give my bromeliads away with a short tutorial on how to care for them, the most important thing to keep them healthy and reproducing, is to once a year take out the old plant and replant the new pops.     

 My favorite Bromeliad

New flowers in the garden this week

This week at the DragonFly Garden

I refresh this corner of the garden with new plants and fresh mulch 

New umbrella for the outside table

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