I noticed today that must of my orchids are with flowers. I love orchids but I am not very good at growing them.

Most of these orchids were gifts from friends and family.

These ground orchids almost died last winter during all the below freezing nights, they came back strong over the summer.
Free tomatoes plants

All these plants were growing in my compost filled vegetable plot. I don’t know what kind they are, most likely cherry tomatoes.
Looks like you grow orchids just fine to me. Will the tomato plants grow and produce this late in the season for you?
A few people have given me orchids because I'm a "gardener" and therefore apparently just know what I'm doing.
It scared me a little at first, but I've started to fall in love with them a little bit. I feel a bit of an orchid passion coming on.
Looks like,to me,you know exactly what you're doing with growing orchids.Actually,they're quite easy to grow.Just ignore 'em. Your's are beautiful!
My ground orchids almost died,too,this past winter.They came back,but have yet to bloom.
Not good at growing orchids ? I believe you need to take a second look at your pictures as they look wonderful from this viewpoint. very nice, Gina
Like everyone else I'm going to disagree with you - it looks to me like you're doing a great job with your orchids! I especially love the ground orchids - the look like a tropical daffodil x
I'll definitely throw in my two cents as well. If you would like to see orchids poorly grown, visit my Orchid Room, where there is not a single bloom. Hmmm.... I may have to rename that room soon. My ground orchids did completely disappear after winter's wrath, and I thought they were dead. But late spring brought little green sprigs out of the ground, and now they are blooming again!
Gorgeous! I wish I could grow ground orchids in the ground. I'm sure mine would freeze, but probably return. Maybe I'll give it a try.
Seriously?! Not good with orchids?! I'm impressed with your black thumb! My ground orchids took a big hit last winter and have struggled tremendously this year...I have foliage but still no blooms. My vanda and dendrobiums have giving me fantastic sprays this summer/fall, though. I love the white orchid you picture...wow! Very exotic!
Están preciosas!
I wish I was an orchid person. Every time I get one, it dies quickly.
Beautiful orchids! My oncidium sharry baby and epicyclia serena o'neill are blooming right now, filling the balcony with fragrance. I also just bought a neofinetia falcata!
those looks amazing!!
what growing condition does ur orchids have. sunny? warm?!
I'm planing to grow some outdoors as well.
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