Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Where did the butterflies go?

Today I took my camera into the garden; this is the first day that I had any energy to go outside, I been sick in bed with the flu for the last four days.
The garden looks messy, kind of brownish and in need of some TLC, but it will have to wait.
Where did the butterflies go?

Last month the garden was full of butterflies, today this Monarch was the only one I found. The cold weather last week sent them all packing south.
My Plumeria Tree

The plumeria is the only tropical tree in my garden that goes through the four season changes. I kind a like the winter look, but I can do without the messy leaves.

I want some more???

This poor little guy has a problem; there is no more food.

This Gerbera daisy is the only flower left in the back garden after last week’s freeze


The Florida Blogger said...

I've been dealing with the crud lately, too. I hate this stuff!

Floridagirl said...

You need bottlebrushes and roses.....

Anonymous said...

Nice to see someone else enjoys butterflies as much as I do.

Grower Jim said...

I've been seeing lots of Red Admirals here in the Orlando area.

Unknown said...

I've noticed a lack of butterflies too.And I'm dealing with the same mess from our plumerias,too.I agree with FloridaGirl.You need Bottlebrushes and roses.
Have a great holiday!

Susan said...

It's pretty sad when the butterflies have to go further south than Miami to find some nectar. Hope they will return soon. Have a joyous Christmas!

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Feliz Navidad to you and yours, Rusty and a very happy New Year!

Love the way your garden looks, so very different from mine.

islandgal246 said...

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful and Healthy 2011