Sunday, March 14, 2021

New makeover for the front garden

I decided to give my front garden a more traditional look and less of the organized chaos that I have in my back garden.  This will mean reducing the variety of plants and adding more color.  Is going to be a challenge, due to the sun exposure in my western expose home. 

I started this past January with this area under the powderpuff tree.  I added plants in containers to fill it up, but I was not happy with the way it looked.  This week I headed to my favorite local nursery and purchased a couple of Irises to compliment the ones already there.  I also got a Lily-of-the-Nile plant, a couple of Flax and Cardyline plants, plus some ferns from my back garden. 

I trimmed hard the Brazilian Red this past fall, and now it's showing the colors.  This plant is an aggressive grower and it needs to be prune a couple of times a year.  She will flower again in the summer.

The giant white Begonias are starting to show. 

Coleuses in the mix green jungle.

This little fellow almost ended up in the garbage can.  I'm glad, I notice him before I pulled out the bromeliad he was using as his home.

This is the trellis where I had my Rangoon Creeper.  I took it out last month, now I'am looking for a replacement vine.  What do you thinking of Bleeding Heart?


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