Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Star of my Winter Garden “Brunfelsia grandiflora".

Every year around Christmas the star of the winter garden takes center stage and my Brunfelsia or as is more commonly know around here “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” comes into full bloom and it takes over my back yard. This year is spectacular, this evergreen shrub comes from South America but it has become common place in South Florida. The flowers are beautiful clusters of three colors all different shades of purple, the flower starts out dark and gets lighter each day and by the third day it drops, that is where to common name comes from.


Brenda Maas said...

That tree is absolutely gorgeous!! You have done such a good job of choosing plants/trees for your garden, everything always looks so lovely.

LostRoses said...

Wow, Rusty, that sure is a stunner! Lucky you to have that beauty in your garden!

Gary said...

Great photo. That really IS an impressive plant.